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The Surprising Truth About Cavities in Children

Cavities are one of the most common dental concerns we hear about at our clinic. While worries about cavities are well grounded, since they can lead to pain, and more serious dental health conditions, there are many beliefs about cavities that just aren’t true. Join us as we look at some surprising truths involved in kids and cavities…

Sugar is not the main cause of cavities in children

This may be surprising to hear but sugar isn’t the main cause of cavities in kids or adults! In fact, bacteria are the main cause of cavities. Bacteria produce acid, which destroys the teeth, and cavities are formed as a result of it. Carbohydrates found in our daily food like bread, rice, potatoes, and sugar, are the main triggers behind bacteria production.

Adults are more likely to get cavities than Children

Latest dental technologies and preventions have led to a drastic decrease in tooth decay in children by 50% in the last 20 years. This implies children are actually at a lower risk for cavities than their parents. Senior citizens are at the highest risk for cavities because the medications can cause dry mouth, lack of saliva production, and in turn, tooth decay and tooth cavities. However, this still means that adopting proper brushing techniques, flossing, and routine dental checkups are vital for keeping kids’ cavity free.

Acidic foods cause tooth decay

Foods that are highly acidic such as lemons, citrus fruits, and soda greatly increase the chance for tooth decay. The acid found in these foods will eat away the protective tooth enamel, putting your kids’ teeth at greater risk for cavities. Choose water over soda or even fruit juice and moderate the use of acidic foods and drinks.

Gaps in teeth increase the likelihood of cavities

Gaps in teeth or even over-crowded teeth provide a great place for bacteria to hide. These gaps or overlaps are hard to reach with a toothbrush even you brush twice and practice dental flossing. This can make it simple for bacteria and food particles to hide behind, leaving your kids more vulnerable to cavities.

A little information and regular dental checkup can go far in securing your kids’ smiles against cavities and improve their oral health. Help them practice proper brushing and flossing, encourage them to have a well-balanced diet, and of course, call + 91-9110442603 to schedule an appointment at Dentis Zone Multi-Specialty Family Dental Care.

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